May 22, 2017 | 02:50 /
Encyclopedia is a rich source of information that plays a major role in the transmission of information to subsequent generations of important historical, scientific and cultural achievements, as well as the formation and development of educational ideas. From this point of view, each country is very serious about the publication of their national universal encyclopedia and its drawing at a high scientific level.
Azerbaijan is also one of those countries, which emphasizes the development of encyclopedic culture. Having had half a century of Scientific Center "Azerbaijan National Encyclopedia" plays an important role in the national cultural development of our people. The country's leadership is constantly providing care and attention given sphere. Order of the President of Azerbaijan Republic Ilham Aliyev "On holding of the 50th anniversary of the Azerbaijan National Encyclopedia", signed 24 November 2015, is a reflection of the high assessment of the activity of the Scientific Center.
On June 8 in the Round Hall of the Main building of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences has held a commemorative event dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the creation of the Scientific Center. The event held by organization of ANAS, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Ministry of Education, Scientific Center "Azerbaijan Scientific Encyclopedia", was attended by government officials, MPs, famous social-political and cultural figures, scientists and experts, as well as media representatives.
Opening the jubilee ceremony, President of ANAS, Academician Akif Alizadeh told about the history of the National Encyclopedia, which has played an important role in the formation of national statehood, ideology of Azerbaijanism and culture. Head of ANAS noted that the period of greatest prosperity of encyclopedic art in Azerbaijan is closely connected with the name of Heydar Aliyev. Academician spoke about the great merits of the great leader in the formation of the Encyclopedia: "Big time 50-year history of the Azerbaijan National Encyclopedia accounts for those years when the Republic led by the national leader Heydar Aliyev. At that time, it was formed the material-technical base of the Azerbaijan National Encyclopedia and its staff capacity has been strengthened."
Having said that the new period of development of the Azerbaijan National Encyclopedia began in 2004, Academician Akif Alizadeh reminded about the historical order of President Ilham Aliyev, signed by him in the same year in connection with the creation of the Scientific Center "Azerbaijan National Encyclopedia" and the publication of the Encyclopedia. He noted that on the basis of these orders, which became a turning point in the history of the Azerbaijan National Encyclopedia in the period of independence, were made important steps in building the organizational structure of the Scientific Center, strengthening its human resources and to attract all the scientific potential of the country in the process.
Noting that, today, Azerbaijan National Encyclopedia, based on the rich historical traditions, is successfully continuing its activities, the President of ANAS added that its material and technical basis sufficiently strengthened and brought up to modern standards.
Then, director of the Scientific Center "Azerbaijan National Encyclopedia", Vice-President of ANAS, Academician Tofig Nagiyev delivered a lecture "The Encyclopedia and enlightenment" and noted that the process of creating a modern encyclopedia in Azerbaijan began in 1965, and stressed that the Decree "On the publication of the Azerbaijan Soviet Encyclopedia" dated December 30 of that year, the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan SSR was established main edition of the Azerbaijan Soviet Encyclopedia, and the editor-in-chief was appointed People poet Rasul Rza. "The decision provides for the publication of a special volume" Azerbaijan SSR" and the 10-volume “Universal Azerbaijan Soviet Encyclopedia", - said scientist and reminded that published in 1970 the first volume of universal Soviet Encyclopedia, which covers certain parts of "A" and "B" letters was destroyed, because they do not meet the requirements of the Soviet ideology.
Academician noted that, according to an order signed in 2004 by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, it was decided to publish a multi-volume National Encyclopedia of Azerbaijan, and was created by the Scientific Centre "Azerbaijan National Encyclopedia". Prior Scientific Center has been tasked to create the appropriate international standards of reliable scientific information source. We used archival materials to the process, have been involved prominent representatives of intelligentsia, science, and art experts. Thanks to the selfless work of the author and the entire staff of the Scientific Center in 2007 in “Siglosh” a high level publishing house (Germany) has released and presented to the scientific community - a special cover "Azerbaijan".
Director of the Scientific Center said that, a special volume is different from a simple encyclopedia for its functionality, design and structure, as well as fully reflects the national character of the Azerbaijan National Encyclopedia, very objectively reflects the history of the formation and development of our people, a lot of attention is paid to the historical and contemporary relations of the republic with other countries of the world, also highlights the natural and man-made objects. He stressed that, given the need arose, in 2012 this edition was published in Germany in Russian.
Academician also spoke about the educational value of the National Encyclopedia: "The beginning of publication of the National Encyclopedia is a great event in the history of the Azerbaijani people. The National Encyclopedia, the first time in such detail, accurately and truthfully reflects information about the geography and social life of the country, especially its special volume “Azerbaijan", has great educational significance”.
The reporter noted that President Ilham Aliyev highly appreciated the performed work at the Scientific Center; indicators of his attention are his orders to hold the 50th anniversary of the Center and rewarding employees with orders, medals and honorary titles.
Informing that Scientific Center "Azerbaijan National Encyclopedia" opened the Museum of the encyclopedia, which displays interesting exhibits reflecting the history of encyclopedic business in the country, the academician said that employees of the center, inspired by the care and attention of the state, with more desire, faith and enthusiasm are working on articles, reflecting achievements during years of independence.
The event was also made lecture by the Minister of Culture and Tourism of Azerbaijan Abulfaz Garayev, Minister of Education Mikayil Jabbarov, chairman of Azerbaijan Writers’ Union Anar Rzayev, chairman of the Composers’ Union of ‘Azerbaijan Firangiz Alizadeh, Rector of Baku State University, Academician Abel Maharramov, Academician-Secretary of the Department of Humanities of ANAS, Academician Teymur Kerimli, head of the editorial board of the "Technology, oil, ore operation, computer science, and electronics” at the Scientific center "Azerbaijan National Encyclopedia" Gulbaniz Gojayeva. In their speeches, they spoke about the importance of the publication, which is a reliable scientific source of information of national importance, which is based on a system of universal and national values, objectively reflects the history of the development of Azerbaijan as an independent state and important events that have taken place in the socio-political, socio-economic, scientific and cultural life of the people. Speakers stressed that the Azerbaijan National Encyclopedia, first of all, is a publication that has a serious impact on the formation of ethnic identity, which is an important factor that serves to strengthen national unity, which is key to the development of national statehood.
In addition, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Scientific Center “Azerbaijan National Encyclopedia”, a group of employees were awarded certificates of merits of ANAS.
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